Old Heads: Hip-Hop Elder Statesman Eric B. Is Heated Eric Bellinger “Stole” His And Rakim’s Album Title
This seems like a big miscommunication gone all the way left. If you haven’t already heard Eric Bellinger’s newest project “Eric B. For President: Term 2” you’re definitely missing out — but apparently the quality of the project was entirely lost on Eric B., one-half of pioneering hip-hop act Eric B and Rakim, who is mad as hell that Bellinger used the same title as their classic project without payment or permission. Just check out the angry tweets from the last few weeks:
Bellingers fans did their best to state his case to Eric B. but to no avail.
It’s worth mentioning that Eric Bellinger made it clear he was paying tribute to the group when he released his first “Eric B For President: Term 1” project.
The fact is, from the beginning, Bellinger gave credit to the duo for being pioneers in the industry and publicly thanked them when he released his project Eric B for President saying – “This is my way of saying thank you and providing physical proof that they made a difference.”
You can BUY Eric B For President: Term 1 HERE and Buy Eric B For President: Term 2 HERE.