Dirty dog diaries???
Michael Blackson Accused Of Cheating On Georgia Reign
Comedian Michael Blackson's being blasted for being a dumbazz "neega" for allegedly cheating on his girlfriend. If you keep up with the Ghanaian funny guy then you know that he's now planning to marry his longtime girlfriend/"Living With Funny" costar Georgia Reign. [protected-iframe id="b2f16ec962a749ea5692442ae0b0777b-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] [protected-iframe id="cdbb29ecace8bb5fc83f3e0a07c8d089-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] Unfortunately for him however, a video surfaced today of a full-frontal Michael seemingly in a hotel room with a woman who's NOT his fiancee. We (of course) can't show you the video, but Michael's since copped pleas claiming that the video first posted by TheShadeRoom was submitted by an angry ex."First of all that's not a hotel, that's my house in Delaware I bought back in 2008," wrote Michael. "That pic looks about 4 yrs old because I was lighter back then, my ex is still mad about that bladder infection and the b*** misses the mutombo."[protected-iframe id="7a8068dd7268d0f3039b526a148cb71a-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] An angry ex is a pretty convenient but plausible excuse for the leaked tape. SURELY, Michael isn't stepping out on all this thickalicious goodness---right? [protected-iframe id="3e78cec7ee9297629c10ce38767fddeb-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"]
More reactions from Michael on the cheating video on the flip.
Michael's blasting TSR for affecting his brand with the tape. [protected-iframe id="4d1385400d7438f47070fad287adc03d-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] According to Michael Georgia left him and he's just a regular, "ugly Z list" celebrity now. [protected-iframe id="20a721ab09bfacdb6937590d9908ef82-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] [protected-iframe id="078bfda407936c29640f5f9f9054edc8-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"] [protected-iframe id="b89f2c438fa634fe7df5fd850035cb04-568005-5043748" info="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js" class="instagram-media"]