D.C. Blacks Get EZ-Pass Into Legalized Weed Industry
Our Civil Rights leaders didn’t have this in mind when we spoke of reparations, but, we’ll take it.
According to the Washington Times, The D.C. Council has reportedly given minorities a hand up in the city’s new marijuana business. The council has passed emergency legislation mandating that medical marijuana dispensary permits be given preferentially to minority-owned companies and small businesses.
D.C. Department of Health statistics reportedly say that many local D.C. area Blacks are struggling with marijuana “abuse”.
We don’t know what they mean by “abuse”, that’s the word they used…The good news is now black people in D.C. can get in on the booming legalized marijuana business, which rakes in about 6.7 Billion a year according to Forbes.
The emergency law went into effect late last month. Council member Robert White who sponsored the legislation, said it is needed to help minorities and small business entrepreneurs overcome an economic disadvantage.
“I knew that this would be a high-growth industry in the District, and I’ve had concerns from the beginning that there would not be enough opportunities for African-Americans and local businesses,” Mr. White, at-large Democrat, told The Washington Times. “I wanted to be sure that we carved out space as we pursue this new industry.”